Claiborne Farm
North America | USA

Stallions & Bourbon in Lexington, Kentucky

I recently visited some family that moved down to Lexington, Kentucky. It’s probably not a place at the top of most people’s bucket list, but it’s one of those cities that is a pleasant surprise of amazing landscapes, delicious food, and some of the friendliest people you’ll meet. My relatives planned an activity-filled weekend that…

Lokal Hotel: a review of “invisible service”, a trend that may be here to stay
North America | Philadelphia | USA

Lokal Hotel: a review of “invisible service”, a trend that may be here to stay

I once explained the concept of Airbnb to some Gen-X co-workers. They were appalled by the idea. I argued with them – “It’s just like when you rent a beach house for the week with your family!” They weren’t having it. “You guys are the Uber generation,” one told me. “You’re always getting in each…

California Cruisin’
California | North America

California Cruisin’

I’m headed to Cali!  Yup, I’m on my way to the sunshine of the west coast for a much-needed Memorial Day vacation. If you’re thinking, “But Jamie, you JUST went to Las Vegas!”  Well, you are right. And you know what, I’m going to Italy in September! So to answer all of you who keep…